Plain Text: Encompass 2045 Draft Plan Summary

Encompass 2045

Draft Plan Summary

Plan Adoption

The Encompass 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for Central Oklahoma was developed over the past five years in coordination with member communities, the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA), Norman Transit, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and numerous stakeholders.

The Intermodal Transportation Policy Committee (ITPC) of the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) will consider final adoption of Encompass 2045 on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 1:20 p.m. in the ACOG Board Room. All comments received by Friday, November 12, 2021, will be provided to the ITPC for their consideration prior to final action.

Please provide your written comments by mail or email to the following:

ACOG Transportation Planning Services Division
4205 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
FAX: 405.234.2200
TDD: 7-1-1 Statewide

Please visit for more information.

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A Message from the Executive Director

On behalf of its planning partners and numerous stakeholders, the Association of Central Oklahoma (ACOG) is pleased to share with you Encompass 2045, the draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Over the previous decade, Central Oklahoma has experienced significant growth. We believe this trend will continue and many more residents and businesses will move into the region in the years to come. This welcomed growth means more vehicle trips that will increase congestion and air quality challenges. Therefore, we must earnestly look ahead and plan for suitable mobility options including improved roadways, expanded transit services, bicycle and pedestrian amenities, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

The COVID-19 public health crisis led to major changes in travel decisions and traffic patterns. While the long-term impacts of COVID-19 are not yet known, ACOG’s transportation planners are paying close attention to the economic rebound and shifts in travel behavior that may lead to new trends.

Thank you for your interest in ACOG’s MTP, Encompass 2045. We hope you will participate and stay engaged in Central Oklahoma’s transportation planning future.

Mark W. Sweeney, AICP
Executive Director


Planning the future of our region is a process that never stops. From how we live, to where we live, to how we get there, the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments is constantly looking to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens.


The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) is a voluntary association of city, town, and county governments within the Central Oklahoma region. Established in 1966, ACOG’s purpose is to aid local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating for sound regional development. ACOG supports and manages a variety of missions aimed at improving the quality of life in Central Oklahoma. This includes serving as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the region. In this capacity, ACOG’s primary role is to lead comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous transportation planning. As such, ACOG works with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), area transit providers, local governments, the public, and other stakeholders to prepare the long-range metropolitan transportation plan and short-range implementation programs. The MPO planning process and planning products are a prerequisite for Central Oklahoma to receive federal transportation funding.


  • Establish a setting for effective regional decision-making
  • Identify and evaluate alternative transportation improvement options
  • Prepare and maintain the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
  • Prepare and maintain the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
  • Implement Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) initiatives in the MTP and TIP
  • Involve the public

ACOG is responsible for transportation planning throughout the Transportation Management Area (TMA) in Central Oklahoma. This planning boundary includes 2,085 square miles and 47 cities and towns located within Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties and portions of Canadian, Grady, Logan, and McClain Counties. The TMA boundary is reviewed every 10 years to ensure urban and urbanizing portions of the region that are linked by a common economy and transportation system are included in the MPO’s transportation planning efforts.


Encompass 2045 – also known as the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) – is Central Oklahoma’s guide for investing more than $10 billion in its multimodal transportation system between 2015 and 2045. Starting with 2015 base year conditions, forecasts of population, employment, and land use were used to model future development scenarios and travel demand within the region in 2045.

Encompass 2045 sets priorities for Central Oklahoma’s transportation system over the next 25 years, and includes both policy recommendations and specific projects that will guide expenditure of the region’s limited transportation dollars. In addition, Encompass 2045 accomplishes the following:

  • Updates the region’s transportation planning goals and objectives
  • Establishes population and employment projections through 2045
  • Describes the existing transportation system
  • Describes the networks and land use scenarios that were analyzed as part of the planning process
  • Identifies current and future multimodal transportation needs within Central Oklahoma
  • Provides a financial strategy to ensure that the adopted plan is affordable
  • Addresses the national requirement for performance-based planning


Encompass 2045 was developed in compliance with the latest federal surface transportation legislation – Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act).


The U.S. Department of Transportation sets goals for the nation’s transportation system. Statewide and metropolitan priorities, consistent with the Federal goals, were developed as part of the Oklahoma Long Range Transportation Plan 2020-2045 and Encompass 2045.



Develop connections among all types and modes of transportation


  • Provide efficient connections within and between modes and facilities
  • Facilitate the movement of people and goods, improve connectivity between regions and activity centers, and increase travel mode choices
  • Implement a Complete Streets policy for the region and encourage member communities to adopt a Complete Streets policy
  • Support and expand an interconnected bus and commuter rail transportation system in the region


Promote economic vitality through enhanced mobility


  • Invest in improvements that enhance the efficiency of the existing transportation system
  • Improve accessibility to regional employment centers
  • Invest in transportation that supports tourism, commerce, and economic activity
  • Increase efficiency of goods movement by truck, rail, water, air, and pipeline


Provide transportation options and access for the movement of all people and goods


  • Provide equitable transportation services and improvements that support a multimodal system
  • Expand and maintain a safe, secure, and accessible public transportation system
  • Expand and maintain accessible and connected pedestrian and bicycle facilities
  • Avoid, minimize, or mitigate negative human health and environmental effects on Environmental Justice populations


Improve the connection between land use and transportation to enable residents to live healthier lives and reduce environmental impact from vehicle travel


  • Improve, enhance, and expand the ability for residents to walk, bike, or use public transportation
  • Encourage use of alternative energy and cleaner-burning fuels to improve the region’s air quality
  • Reduce the potential negative impacts transportation projects have on the environment and human health
  • Better connect land use and transportation decision-making


Increase the efficiency and reliability of the transportation system


  • Invest in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and other improvements that enhance the efficiency of the existing transportation system
  • Improve the resiliency and reliability of the existing transportation system
  • Increase roadway capacity for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and transit where needed
  • Sustainably fund transportation projects while continuing to leverage additional resources


Provide a safe and secure transportation system for all users


  • Improve design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure to reduce the number and severity of crashes, injuries, and fatalities of all users
  • Increase awareness of the public on safety issues and skills
  • Collaborate with area communities and stakeholders on transportation system safety and security strategies
  • Improve situational awareness, understanding, and collaboration in the area of cybersecurity across the region


Maintain and improve the quality of the transportation system


  • Invest in projects that preserve and enhance the existing transportation infrastructure
  • Encourage policies and procedures that preserve traffic operations and safety
  • Explore new or improved transportation technologies
  • Decrease unnecessary bridge and roadway wear and tear

Public and Stakeholder Participation


ACOG’s formal Public Participation Plan helps ensure early and continuous opportunities for the public to be engaged in the development of plans and programs produced by the MPO. ACOG also engages local government members, federal and state partners, and the region’s transit providers in the planning process through regular meetings. These include:

  • ACOG Board of Directors
  • Intermodal Transportation Technical and Policy Committees
  • Areawide Planning and Technical Advisory Committee
  • Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee
  • Encompass 2045 Stakeholder Advisory Group

In September 2020, ACOG conducted an online public survey via SurveyMonkey to collect input from Central Oklahomans on preferred regional transportation priorities, goals, and strategies in order to meet future travel needs within Central Oklahoma over the coming decades. Over 500 surveys were received from respondents throughout the region.


The Encompass 2045 Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) includes representatives of city and county governments, state and federal agencies, advocacy and transportation mode groups, private businesses, and the public. ACOG held four SAG meetings between October 2020 and September 2021 and covered topics including results of the public survey, the long-range planning process, regional transportation goals and objectives, project selection, land use scenario planning, active transportation, and regional air quality. Post-meeting surveys and in-meeting activities were conducted to gain additional feedback from the group.


In addition to meetings, ACOG utilizes surveys and social media to engage various publics. Social networks include:

  • Two Facebook accounts with over 2,600 followers
  • Twitter with over 1,500 followers
  • Instagram with over 700 followers
  • Constant Contact with over 3,900 subscribers



Central Oklahoma is forecasted to add approximately 434,000 residents in the next 30 years and grow to nearly 1.6 million people by 2045. In addition, employment in the region is expected to grow to 972,000. This growth will impact the amount and quality of travel. Without additional investment in the transportation system, the increase in population and employment will lead to an increase of 16 million miles of travel each day. If past development patterns continue, then average trip lengths (by car) will grow from just over 12 minutes to over 15 minutes.


2015 Estimate – 1,219,036

2045 Estimate – 1,652,682

Percent Change – 36%


2015 Estimate – 651,556

2045 Estimate – 971,839

Percent Change – 49%

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Daily

2015 Estimate – 30,266

2045 Estimate – 46,550

Percent Change – 54%

Freight Tonnage (annual)

2015 Estimate – 111,625,130

2045 Estimate – 159,942,370

Percent Change – 43%


How the region develops will have a direct impact on the performance of the transportation system. The TMA is expected to add 430,000 more residents and 320,000 more jobs by 2045; the question is where will that growth occur? Continued outward expansion has the potential to lead to more vehicles on already stressed roadways and longer commutes, while downtown redevelopment may increase the demand for pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and transit access. The Encompass 2045 Land Use Scenarios study illustrates the significant impact land use policies have on the transportation system. It outlines potential alternative development patterns that could address some of the issues facing the region in the future. Land use scenarios are not forecasts or predictions, but rather possible future based on what already exists, emerging trends, and/or the community’s desires to change course for the future.

Two development scenarios were created for the Plan and included a trend scenario, which continued the current development patterns, and a nodal scenario, which encouraged infill, nodal, and downtown development within each community in the region. The scenarios were developed with generous input from planners, local leaders, and other stakeholders.

By analyzing potential development patterns, or where people are likely to live and work in the future for various scenarios, an assessment of the forecast year travel demand can be made and the impacts of development on the transportation system can be assessed. As such, the development patterns created during the scenario planning process were integrated into the regional transportation model (travel demand model or TDM) and analyzed using several funding alternatives. In total, three alternate networks were evaluated, and each was modeled in relation to the two development scenarios.

For more information on the Encompass 2045 land use scenarios and transportation model, please visit



How Were Projects Selected?

Developing a list of transportation projects that improve the way people and goods move around Central Oklahoma is a critical element of Encompass 2045. This federally required project listing is intended to help the region identify and prioritize future transportation investments based on adopted regional goals, performance management strategies, and estimated financial resources.

In response to a call for projects, local governments submitted detailed project information which was assessed and scored against a set of evaluation criteria. The criteria, developed in coordination with member entity staff, reflected the adopted Encompass 2045 goals. Ultimately, the Plan’s total construction and maintenance costs were compared to anticipated revenues to arrive at an affordable Plan. In total, 287 projects were selected for inclusion in the Encompass 2045 Plan.


The demand for alternative transportation options – transit, sidewalks, bikeways – is growing within Central Oklahoma. Planning for a regional public transportation system has been underway since 2005. However, regional rail and future bus rapid transit components will be referenced in the Plan as “illustrative” due to the lack of dedicated funding for their implementation. Expansion of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the urban area and their connection to future expanded transit services remains a priority for the region, as well as additional intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies for improving driver awareness, safety, and traffic flow.


Active transportation is any self-propelled, human powered mode of transportation, such as walking or bicycling. It is important for the region to invest in and plan for active transportation, as it provides numerous benefits to the equity, health, economy, and environmental condition of communities.

A Regional Active Transportation Plan was developed by ACOG staff and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and adopted in April 2021. The Plan outlines current and future investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and programs. The plan supports regional growth, healthy living, and ACOG goals. This includes a series of long-term goals and objectives that form the basis for recommendations and prioritization. Priority areas and corridors are identified, along with several implementation strategies and recommendations to help the region achieve a robust active transportation network.

Since the inception of Encompass 2040 and associated plans, ACOG and member communities have made strides to invest in and develop active transportation options. Since 2015, Central Oklahoma increased the amount of low-stress bicycle facilities by 33% and the number of sidewalks by 22%.


ACOG collects bicycle network information from local governments and organization in the area. Categories of bicycle facility include paved shoulders, sign-on-road bike routes, bike lanes, protected bike lanes, and shared use paths.

The regional bicycle network has been increasing in both miles built and miles planned. Since 2000, nearly 500 miles of bicycle network have been designated in the area with over 1,000 miles planned.


For decades, Central Oklahoma had failed to require sidewalks built alongside new commercial, industrial, and residential development. Although these requirements have recently changed, the region has a great deal of ground to make up. A strong network of sidewalks is vital to achieve a connected and safe transportation system for all users.


ACOG has identified areas that should be prioritized for future bicycle and pedestrian facilities and improvements. Using a method adapted from the

Mid-Region Council of Governments in New Mexico, ACOG staff create a Bicycle Composite Index (BCI) and a Pedestrian Composite Index (PCI). These indexes consider locations that generate bicycle and pedestrian activity and areas that deter such activity.

When combined, these two factors display locations that should be prioritized when considering active transportation investment.


During the development of Encompass 2045, the MPO modeled an illustrative transportation network inclusive of regional transit—commuter rail, bus rapid transit, and enhanced bus— as recommended by the 2005 Fixed Guideway Study and the 2015 Central Oklahoma Commuter Corridors Study. MPO staff also worked with planners from the region’s transit providers to identify additional illustrative transit routes that would fill gaps in coverage and extend to communities unserved by transit.

In 2019, the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) of Central Oklahoma was established and a board of directors was formed.

The RTA is working towards securing dedicated funding in order to establish a regional public transportation system that enhances mobility options, spurs economic development, and improves quality of life for all Central Oklahomans.

Components of the desired 2045 regional transit system include:

  • 48 miles of Commuter Rail Transit (CR)
  • 40 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
  • 10 miles of modern streetcar
  • Over 300 miles of enhanced and express bus service with connection to BRT, streetcar, and CR stations
  • An additional 200 miles of bus service to connect the entire region to transit
  • 150 miles of non-fixed route transit to serve all communities within the TMA


Complete Streets are streets, highways, and bridges that are routinely planned, designed, operated, and maintained to prioritize safety, comfort, and access to destinations for all people who use the street. Complete Streets approaches vary based on community context. They may address a wide range of elements, such as sidewalks, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, transit stops, pedestrian crossing opportunities, and streetscape amenities. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, jobs, and schools, bicycle to work, and move actively with assistive devices. They allow buses to run on time and make it safe for people to walk or move actively to and from transit hubs.

ACOG promotes the creation of a safe, accessible, efficient, and coordinated transportation network that accommodates all roadway users within its communities. ACOG has developed a Complete Streets policy in response to comments received through the Encompass 2045 planning process, encouragement by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and other stakeholder groups, and all of the safety, health, environmental, and economic reasons stated above. This Policy applies to projects funded through ACOG and is recommended for all roadway projects in the area.


Congestion management and safety are essential aspects of the transportation system, as both contribute to economic vitality and can improve the quality of life of system users. Congestion is a result of physical “bottlenecks,” traffic incidents, work zones, weather, traffic control devices, special events, and fluctuations in normal traffic. In particular, congestion has become more unreliable as traffic incidents, events, and work zones become more common. In the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, congestion costs each driver an average of $1,110 a year and drivers spend an average of 49 hours in traffic each year. This means extra time and money spent traveling to and from destinations, reducing the potential of those resources to be used elsewhere.


The regional congestion and safety goals identified in Encompass 2045, were crafted with the intended purpose of improving congestion and protecting transportation users in Central Oklahoma through sound planning and engineering strategies, education, enforcement, and effective emergency services. Questions focused on congestion reduction and safety were included in the Encompass 2045 Call for Projects evaluation criteria and additional points were awarded to projects that directly address congestion and/or safety.


Motor vehicle crashes and fatalities have a major impact on the lives of Central Oklahomans. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 132,350 people were killed and approximately 11.46 million injured in motor vehicle crashes across the nation between 2010-2014. In Central Oklahoma alone, 585 people were killed and more than 22,000 were injured during the same timeframe. To combat this serious problem, transportation providers, agencies, and professionals are devoted to working cooperatively to plan and implement safety initiatives throughout Central Oklahoma.


Watch for Me OK is a public awareness campaign from the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG), the City of Oklahoma City, and the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). Watch for Me OK seeks to educate the public on the rules of the road and aims to keep our residents safe while traveling. This campaign is increasing the overall visibility of pedestrian and bicyclist safety issues through public service messages and community engagement efforts such as special events and partnerships.


As Central Oklahoma continues to grow, some additional strategies above and beyond the Encompass 2045 projects have been identified as important to further improve the regional transportation system and further enhance the region’s quality of life:

  • Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Congestion Management Process (CMP) Strategies
  • Expanded Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Network
  • Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Micromobility, and Emerging Transportation Options


The benefits of Encompass 2045 are significant to the Central Oklahoma region. Effectively putting the plan into action is crucial to manage congestion and ensure the plan’s benefits are felt by everyone.


The impacts of Encompass 2045 are significant to the Central Oklahoma region. Effectively putting the plan into action is crucial to manage the environmental, social, and economic impacts that will be required to make sure the plan’s benefits are felt by everyone.


In compliance with federal law requiring financial plans for metropolitan transportation plans, the recommended Encompass 2040 plan is anticipated to cost $10.33 billion and includes:

  • Streets and Highway Maintenance $5.2 Billion
  • Street and Highway Construction $2.5 Billion
  • Public Transportation $1.3 Billion
  • Major Interchanges $550 Million
  • Right-of-Way Acquisition $322 Million
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects $273 Million
  • Major Bridges $185 Million
  • Operational/ITS Improvements $58 Million

The Encompass 2040 revenue projection totals more than $10.4 billion for the 30-year plan period. Primary sources for the revenue projection include:

  • FHWA and FTA formulas and discretionary programs
  • State maintenance programs, turnpike revenues, public transportation revolving fund, and fuel and motor vehicle taxes returned to cities, towns and counties
  • Local general fund, dedicated sales tax, general obligation bonds and developer fee revenue


Development of Encompass 2045 included an evaluation of potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of the plan to help ensure that future transportation projects will improve mobility and increase economic vitality, while protecting natural resources. It is important to note that the Encompass 2045 impact analysis is regional in scale and does not replace environmental assessments required for each project by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Environmental Data Evaluated

  • Parks and Recreational Areas
  • Wildlife and Endangered Species
  • Flood Plains
  • Water Quality: Surface and Aquifers
  • Hazardous Waste and Superfund Sites
  • Air Quality – MOVES Evaluation

Social and Cultural Data Evaluated

  • Archaeological Sites
  • Tribal Lands
  • National Historic Sites and Districts
  • Noise Sensitive Areas/Sites

Economic Data Evaluated

  • Residential and Employment Displacements
  • Low Income and Traditionally Underserved Groups (Environmental Justice)
  • Encompass 2045 Plan Costs and Revenues


Transportation is a significant source of precursors such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), the gasses that react to form ozone. Referred to as mobile source emissions, these precursors are emitted through vehicle exhaust and fuel evaporation, reacting to sunlight in windless conditions to create tropospheric ozone pollution. Research continues to demonstrate the effects of ozone pollution on all populations, but children, the elderly, and anyone with respiratory illnesses such as asthma are particularly vulnerable. Any reduction of ozone-forming emissions translates to increased quality of life for everyone in Central Oklahoma.


On December 23, 2020, EPA completed its review of the full body of currently available scientific evidence and exposure/risk information and decided to retain the existing ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Since 2015, the primary and secondary ozone standard levels are to 0.070 ppm parts per million (ppm). In December 2017, all of Oklahoma’s 77 counties were designated attainment/ unclassifiable for the revised primary and secondary ozone standards. Central Oklahoma’s ozone regional value was 0.069 ppm at the end of 2020 and the cumulative regional average of the fourth highest ozone readings for Central Oklahoma’s monitoring network were 0.64 (the lowest average since 1997). Even with positive trends, the region is still at risk of going into violation of the ozone standard if there are too many days of elevated ozone levels.


While Central Oklahoma remains in attainment for all federally regulated pollutants, ground level ozone continues to be a problem. Consequently, ACOG has been proactive in its planning endeavors to reduce mobile source emissions—cars and trucks—which account for approximately 60 percent of the region’s pollution. ACOG employs proactive planning efforts to help maintain its air quality attainment status, including the following:

  • Daily review of ozone and carbon monoxide monitoring sites throughout the region
  • Administration of the Air Quality Small Grant and Public Fleet Conversion Grant programs
  • Administration of the Central Oklahoma Clean Cities program
  • Use of an air quality friendly criterion in the selection of projects that will utilize the MPO’s Surface Transportation Block Grant – Urbanized Area (STBG-UZA) funds
  • Award of additional points for proposed long-range transportation projects that reduce emissions by decreasing fuel consumption and vehicle miles traveled, as well as by improving transportation system performance
  • Promotion of alternative forms of transportation
  • Air quality public education initiatives including the Ozone Alert Day Program


To further aid in air quality planning efforts, ACOG is completing a study on the potential regional economic impacts of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ozone nonattainment designation. Analysis is focused on cost of regulatory requirements of a nonattainment designation including transportation conformity, facility emissions reductions, and an economic impact analysis. The goal of the study is to prepare regional stakeholders for those regulatory requirements triggered by a nonattainment designation and to demonstrate the need for continued emissions reductions effort to preserve Central Oklahoma’s air quality status as well as the national and regional economic advantages that status provides.



Per guidelines set forth by the Federal Highway Administration, ACOG tracks and reports on performance measures on regular basis. These activities help chart progress and identify emerging priorities for the Central Oklahoma transportation system. Performance measures, as they relate to the Plan’s goals, are:


Develop connections among all types and modes of transportation.

Performance Measures:

  • Percent of population and jobs located within ¼ mile of transit
  • Average trip distance
  • Total miles of sidewalk and bicycle facilities


Promote economic vitality through enhanced mobility

Performance Measures:

  • Truck travel time reliability
  • Interstate travel time reliability
  • Non-Interstate travel time reliability
  • Mode share for commuter trips
  • User cost (as a function of delay)


Provide transportation options and access for the movement of all people and goods.

Performance Measures:

  • Miles of sidewalk and bicycle paths/lanes added within ¼ mile of transit stops
  • Percent of population and jobs located within ¼ mile of transit stops


Improve the connection between land use and transportation to enable residents to live healthier lives and reduce environmental impact from vehicle travel.

Performance Measures:

  • Mode share for commuter trips
  • Annual air quality index reading for the region


Increase the efficiency and reliability of the transportation system.

Performance Measures:

  • Truck travel time reliability
  • Interstate travel time reliability
  • Non-Interstate travel time reliability
  • User cost (as a function of delay)


Provide a safe and secure transportation system for all users.

Performance Measures:

  • Number of fatalities
  • Rate of fatalities
  • Number of serious injuries
  • Rate of serious injuries
  • Number of non-motorized fatalities and Non-motorized serious injuries
  • Existence of regional security strategies


Maintain and improve the quality of the transportation system.

Performance Measures:

  • Percent of NHS Brides classified as in Good Condition
  • Percent of NHS Bridges classified as in Poor Condition
  • Percent of Interstate Pavements in Good Condition
  • Percent of Non-Interstate Pavements in Good Condition
  • Percent of Interstate Pavements in Poor Condition
  • Percent of Non-Interstate Pavements in Poor Condition


Long-range planning is a continuous process. Encompass 2045 was developed using future projections of population, employment, and socioeconomic factors that will influence growth and travel choices throughout the region for years to come. Change in each of these areas is evolving and must be addressed through periodic updates of the Plan. ACOG staff has already begun work on 2020 base year demographic data for the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Communication with federal, state, and local partners is an ongoing process by the MPO to ensure regional transportation priorities are addressed in each plan update.


There are several ways you can connect with ACOG. Look for us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Sign up for the ACOG newsletter on our website, and follow our blog, You can also email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Disclaimer, Federal Language, Title VI

DISCLAIMER: Maps/data presented in this report were created and assembled by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) for informational, planning reference and guidance only. You are admonished to use these materials only as a starting point and not a final product or document. None of these materials should be utilized by you or other parties without the benefit of advice and instruction from appropriate professional services. These materials are not verified by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Oklahoma and are not intended to be used as such. ACOG makes no warranty, express or implied, related to the accuracy or content of these materials and data.

Preparation of this report was financially aided through funds provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration), the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, and local governments.

The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, please visit

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