Ozone Alert Day Called For July 28

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality has projected tomorrow will have conditions favorable to the formation of ground-level ozone air pollution. Thus, an Ozone Alert Day has been declared for: Thursday, July 28, 2016 The primary component of smog,...

Poll: Will A One Cent Sales Tax Will Hurt OKC?

OKC United     Learn More Learn About OKC United A local organization, OKC United, has formed to fight State Question 779. Citizens will have the opportunity to vote on the measure in November. Despite passionate support for public education, the majority of...

Transportation Projects Funding Report

A report reflecting federally funded transportation projects in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area during federal fiscal year 2015 (Oct. 1, 2014 – Sept. 30, 2015) was recently completed by ACOG. Highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects were funded in the...

Ozone Alert Called For June 7

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality has projected tomorrow will have conditions favorable to the formation of ground-level ozone air pollution. Thus, an Ozone Alert Day has been declared for: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 The primary component of smog,...

OKC Bike To Work Day Pictures

Check out our gallery of pictures from Oklahoma City’s official Bike To Work Day. The event was sponsored by the City of Oklahoma City and Downtown OKC. The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) started the state’s first Bike To Work Program...
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