The squair up there. At the mall.

If you should happen to be at Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City this summer, be sure to mosey on to the food court and check out our awesome “floating square.” This is our latest creative venture in advertising as part of our seasonal air quality public education...

Go fly a kite…on us!

Over the 4th of July weekend, we had planned on canvassing the mean streets of Bricktown, handing out kites as part of our street team.  The rain dampened our plans, but yesterday we went out and conducted a test flight for our kites.  There is...

International house of visitors

[youtube=]On the morning of the great flood of 2010, rather, the “significant rain event” as our Water Resources Director John Harrington calls it, our staff hosted a team of leaders and administrators from all around the...

Welcome mayors, our doors are open!

If you’re downtown this week, be sure to come to a complete stop at crosswalks and get ready to wear your friendly hat. Starting Thursday, and running through June 14, mayors from over 36 states across the United States will be converging on the region to take in the...
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