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Work Towards ‘Text to 9-1-1’ Continues

Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a Policy Statement and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning the provision of Text to 9-1-1 services and other next generation 9-1-1 applications. The Policy Statement builds upon the...

ACOG Groundwater Seminar RESCHEDULED to March 13

Due to inclement weather our groundwater seminar has been postponed to a warmer month - March!ACOG and PEC will host the groundwater seminar on March 13 - at new time and place.  Hopefully we will be pass the prospects of subzero wind chill and icy roads by that...

Move Over to Save Lives

In 2003, two important pieces of legislation regarding roadway safety were passed by the Oklahoma Legislature to protect motorists and first responders. The Quick Clearance and Move Over bills require motorists to use common sense judgment when driving along...

Did You Miss the CentralOK!Go Webinar?

At noon on January 21st the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) conducted a webinar on the Central Oklahoma Commuter Corridors Study (also known as the as CentralOK!go). If you were unable to attend the webinar, the entire presentation deck is available...

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