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Water Resources Reform Legislation in September

Congress has a lot on its plate after the summer recess.Although the war drums on Syria and the fiscal budget battle will likely take up a lot of oxygen on Capitol Hill, other legislation is moving forward at a rapid pace as well.  One major piece of legislation in...

Guthrie Prepares for 35,000 Mumford and Sons Fans

Guthrie is a member of the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. We congratulate the town of 10,000 for their recent economic development successes including the opening of several new businesses over the last year and the upcoming Gentleman of the Road...

Get Ready, Get Set, GoMaps

Through the use of two new mapping services, ACOG has greatly enhanced its ability to provide dynamic maps and data to both member local governments and the public at large. ACOG serves as a clearinghouse of regional data and these new tools – GoMaps and ArcGIS Online...

Arizona Requires Contractors to Address Future Water Supplies

Building a subdivision can be tough in an area that has limited groundwater supplies. Just ask any contractor in Phoenix. They have to assure a 100 year water supply to the homeowner. Going beyond the basic coliform test, the Arizona Department of Water Resources...

Groundwater Depletion Continues Throughout US

In the past eight weeks two separate reports from the federal government have come out detailing the ongoing depletion of the nation’s major aquifers. Publishing in Science Magazine, principle author James S. Famiglietti details the results of the GRACE mission (the...

Tomorrow: City of OKC to Host Rebuild Expo

Property owners can learn how to rebuild their homes and businesses to be energy efficient and more resistant to storms by attending a free Rebuild Expo hosted by the City of Oklahoma City this Saturday, August 3rd at Westmoore High School, 9AM to 3:30PM. The Rebuild...

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