What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are streets, highways, and bridges that are routinely planned, designed, operated, and maintained to prioritize safety, comfort, and access to destinations for all people who use the street. This includes all road users, such as older adults, people living with disabilities, people who walk and bike for transportation, and people who do not have access to a car. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, jobs, and schools, bicycle to work, and move actively with assistive devices. They allow buses to run on time and make it safe for people to walk or move actively to and from transit hubs.

What Role Does ACOG Play?

ACOG promotes the creation of a safe, accessible, efficient, and coordinated transportation network that accommodates all roadway users within its communities. Research has shown that Complete Streets enhance job growth, promote economic development, improve safety, improve public health and fitness, reduce harmful emissions, and reduce the overall demand on our roadways by allowing people to replace motor vehicle trips with active transportation and transit options.

Staff Contacts

Hannah Nolen, AICP

Mobility & Planning Manager

Complete Streets Policy

Adopted by the ACOG Board of Directors on August 26, 2021

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