About CPRG

Prepare Your Community for the Future

A nationwide Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) of $4.3B of funding has been made available by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Locally, the communities, counties and businesses located in the ACOG region are eligible. Projects that aim to lower carbon emissions, will be included in the ACOG application to the EPA.  Funding from this program could equip communities and businesses in Oklahoma to improve their infrastructure and plan for the future.

Priority Climate Action Plan Presentation

Presented to the ACOG Board of Directors 2/29/24

Project Sectors

What Type of Projects Are Eligible?


  • Improve or Create Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure
  • Replace fleet trucks with fuel efficient vehicles


  • Installation of energy-efficient HVAC systems
  • Energy Efficient HVAC Systems
  • Energy Efficient Measures
  • Invest in LED lighting 


  • Energy Audits
  • Equipment Upgrades
  • Energy Efficient Measures & Renewables


  • Energy Efficiency & Renewables at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
  • Implement Solid Waste Programs


  • Plant Trees
  • Restoration of Degraded Land


University of Oklahoma

In 2018, the campus implemented a building automation system (BAS) to provide higher levels of comfort and productivity, while reducing energy consumption, emissions, and operating expenses. Of the approximate 10.6 million square footage of the Norman campus.

City of Oklahoma City

In 2022, Oklahoma City invested $2.7 million in combined federal STBG-UZA funds and local match dollars on bicycle-pedestrian projects.

City of Norman

More than two megawatts of solar PV arrays are to be installed at the Water Treatment Plant and Water Reclamation Facility, which is expected to produce 3,000,000+ kWh of electricity each year – equivalent to offsetting CO2 emissions from the electricity usage of 438 homes per year, or 271,000 gallons of gasoline consumed.

City of Edmond

In 2019, the City of Edmond partnered with ACOG and the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO), to install 10 public and workplace charging stations for electric vehicles powered by 100 percent wind energy. 

Tinker Air Force Base

Currently implementing third Energy Saving Performance Contact (ESPC) task order 3 with investment of $243 million toward Energy Conservation Measures (ECM). Energy reductions will be achieved through boiler plant improvements, building automation systems, building envelope and lighting improvements. Target energy reduction goal is 23%.

City of Midwest City

The City of Midwest City’s 10 refuse trucks reduced 42.5 tons of greenhouse gases in 2022.


What is the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program provides states, local governments, and tribal nations flexible resources to plan for and pursue ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution reductions to achieve three broad objectives:

  1. Tackle damaging climate pollution while supporting the creation of good jobs and lowering energy costs for families;
  2. Accelerate work to address environmental injustices and empower community-driven solutions in overburdened neighborhoods.
  3. Deliver cleaner air by reducing harmful pollution in places where people live, work, play, and go to school.

These competitions are open to entities that received planning grants (ACOG, INCOG, and State of Oklahoma included) to develop Priority Climate Action Plans (PCAPs) under Phase 1 of the CPRG program, as well as entities that did not directly receive a planning grant (cities, counties, etc.) that are applying for funds to implement measures included in an applicable PCAP. Eligible applicants may only apply for funding to implement measures contained in an applicable PCAP.

What is the timeline of the CPRG?

The CPRG is broken into two phases – the timeline for Phase I: Planning Grants is provided below.

For States, Municipalities, and Air Pollution Control Agencies:

May 2023 – March 2024 Develop Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP)
April 2024 – July 2025 Develop Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP)
July 2025 – September 2027 Develop Status Report

The timeline for Phase II: Competitive Implementation Grants is provided below.

September 2023 Implementation Grant Competition Issued
February 1, 2024 Optional, non-binding Notice of Intent to Apply due
March 1, 2024 Priority Climate Action Plans due
April 1, 2024 General Competition Applications due
May 1, 2024 Tribal Competition Applications due
July 2024 Notice of Funding Selection for General Competition
September 2024 Notice of Funding Selection for Tribal Competition

Please see the corresponding sections for more detail on some of the individual deliverables.

What are the key elements of the CPRG?

The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) is a narrative report due on March 1, 2024, that includes a focused list of near-term, high-priority, implementation-ready measures to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) pollution and an analysis of GHG emissions reductions that would be achieved through implementation. These initial plans can focus on a specific sector or selected sectors and do not need to comprehensively address all sources of GHG emissions.

The PCAP is required to include:

  • A simplified GHG inventory;
  • Quantified GHG reduction measures;
  • A low-income and disadvantaged communities benefits analysis; and,
  • A review of authority to implement.

Planning grant recipients are encouraged, but not required, to include additional analyses in their PCAP, such as GHG emissions projections, GHG reduction targets, a benefits analysis (for the full geographic scope and population covered by the plan), a plan for leveraging other federal funding, and a workforce planning analysis. A PCAP may draw from or reference an existing climate action plan or plans for the geographic area covered, such as an existing state climate, energy, or sustainability plan.

Comprehensive Climate Action Plan

The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is due 2 years from the date of award of the planning grant (mid-2025). The CCAP should touch on all significant GHG sources/sinks and sectors present in a state or metropolitan area, establish near-term and long-term GHG emission reduction goals, and provide strategies and identify measures to achieve those goals. Each CCAP must include:

  • A comprehensive GHG inventory;
  • GHG emissions projections;
  • GHG reduction targets;
  • Quantified GHG reduction measures;
  • A benefits analysis for the full geographic scope and population covered by the plan;
  • A low-income and disadvantaged communities benefits analysis;
  • A review of authority to implement;
  • A plan to leverage other federal funding; and,
  • A workforce planning analysis.

All planning grant recipients will be expected to conduct a comprehensive climate action plan development process. Jurisdictions with existing climate plans may use planning grant funds to update or expand their existing plans to reflect, for example, recent changes in technologies and market forces, potential leveraging of other funding opportunities (e.g., under the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or other sources), new program areas and opportunities for regional collaboration, or inclusion of analyses to estimate benefits including those flowing to low income and disadvantaged communities. Grantees with previously developed climate action plans will be able to integrate their previous planning experience into the CCAP.

What is the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP)?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded a $1 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) to ACOG to develop two plans and reports that identify measures for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). This planning process is required for tribes and local governments in the MSA to be eligible to apply for over $4 billion in future implementation grants.

ACOG received notification of this grant award on September 19 and continues to formulate a scope of work with the help of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG). The first required EPA deliverable of this four-year grant is a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) which is due March 1, 2024.

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