Areawide Planning & Technical Advisory Committee (APTAC) Meeting

ACOG 4205 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

APTAC provides technical review and discussion on regional planning topics. This committee is generally composed of city planners and representatives of various local and state agencies. APTAC makes recommendations to the ACOG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Planning Committee concerning socio-economic data for the adoption and approval of the long-range transportation plan. 

ACOG MPO Technical Committee Meeting

ACOG 4205 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

The ACOG MPO Technical Committee provides technical review and guidance for the ACOG MPO planning programs. This committee is generally comprised of city planners, city engineers and traffic managers, and includes representatives of various modes, environmental agencies, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, ODOT and the federal transportation agencies.

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