ACOG invites citizens throughout Central Oklahoma to review and comment on a preliminary version of the next Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
The TIP identifies all federally funded surface transportation projects (transit, bicycle, highway, airport, etc.) expected to be carried out by city, county, state and local transportation agencies during federal fiscal years 2018-2021 in the Oklahoma City Area Regional Transportation Study (OCARTS) Area. This region includes Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties and parts of Canadian, Grady, Logan and McClain Counties.
Federal law recognizes ACOG as the metropolitan planning organization responsible for long and short-range transportation planning for Central Oklahoma. As such, ACOG maintains a four-year TIP for the region, which will implement the long-range plan.

About FTA’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is required, under 49 U.S.C. 5303(j) , to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)—a list of upcoming transportation projects—covering a period of at least four years. The TIP must be developed in cooperation with the state and public transit providers. The TIP should include capital and non-capital surface transportation projects, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and other transportation enhancements, Federal Lands Highway projects, and safety projects included in the State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The TIP should include all regionally significant projects receiving FHWA or FTA funds, or for which FHWA or FTA approval is required, in addition to non-federally funded projects that are consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Furthermore, the TIP must be fiscally constrained. — Federal Transit Administration