ACOG is continually focused on providing a safe and secure transportation systems for users in Central Oklahoma. This encouraging local municipalities to improve the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure to reduce the number and severity of crashes, injuries, and fatalities of users.

ACOG holds a Call for Projects for the Surface Transportation and Block Grant Program (STBG-UZA) every fall, in which $1.8 to $2.7 million worth of federal funding is awarded to safety projects. These safety projects are 100% paid through this program. Some examples of eligible safety projects include new traffic lights, upgraded signalization of traffic lights, pavement markings, guardrails, flashing stop signs, pedestrian crossing signs, and more. Find out more about STBG here.

Every year, ACOG staff validate and update the regional snow routes map to make sure motorists know the best route choices during winter storm events. This system of regional snow routes assists in providing better service and increased safety for all travelers within the region, including emergency vehicles, school buses, public transportation, and commercial vehicle traffic. View the most recent map here.

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation has a number of safety initiatives such as work zone safety awareness. Find out more on their website.


Safe Streets & Roads for All
In 2022, ACOG secured a substantial grant of $192,000 through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Transportation. This grant underscores ACOG’s unwavering commitment to creating roadways that prioritize safety and accessibility for everyone.

The SS4A program, championed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, is dedicated to transforming roads into safer, more accessible spaces for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and beyond. At its core, SS4A is more than just a funding opportunity; it’s a movement that transcends infrastructure to encompass education, awareness, and collaboration.

Program Goals

SS4A does not merely focus on fixing roads; it centers on fostering a culture of safety and responsibility among all road users. The program aims to:

  • Enhance Safety: Through strategic improvements, education, and collaboration, SS4A aims to significantly reduce the occurrence of traffic-related fatalities and injuries.
  • Promote Inclusivity: SS4A emphasizes the importance of inclusive design, making sure that roads are accessible and safe for individuals of all abilities, ages, and modes of transport.
  • Raise Awareness: Beyond physical changes, SS4A seeks to raise awareness about responsible road use. This awareness is vital in encouraging mutual respect among road users and fostering safer habits.

As a recipient of the SS4A grant, ACOG is dedicated to implementing impactful projects and initiatives that resonate with the program’s objectives. ACOG’s efforts are directed not only towards physical improvements but also towards fostering a culture of road safety that extends throughout the community.

Over the course of 2023 and 2024, ACOG is dedicated to developing a comprehensive Central Oklahoma Regional Safety Action Plan. This initiative brings together stakeholders, data-driven insights, and strategic approaches to enhance road safety throughout the region.

ACOG values all input and insights. Any questions, suggestions, or feedback regarding local safety endeavors, can be sent to the Transportation Planning Services Division.

Engagement from the community plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of road safety in Central Oklahoma. Stay tuned for updates as ACOG and partners work toward completion in the winter of 2024.

Staff Contacts

Hannah Nolen, AICP

Mobility & Planning Manager


Although fatal and serious traffic crashes occur throughout the region, certain streets and intersections have been found to have higher than average death and injury crash rates.

Every five years, ACOG compiles a Regional Crash Data Analysis report to pinpoint crash hotpots, as well as multi-year temporal and spatial patterns that provide valuable information to decision makers in need of prioritizing intersection improvements.

Click here for the ACOG story map featuring high-crash areas on Oklahoma City-area streets.


October is not just another month; it’s a time to shine a spotlight on an issue that deeply impacts the community—pedestrian safety.

In 2020, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) commemorated the first Pedestran Safety Month to increase awareness of pedestrian safety, particularly as pedestrian fatalities have increased across the country.

Unfortunately, in 2021 there were 7,388 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes, a 12.5- percent increase from the 6,565 pedestrian fatalities in 2020. This is the highest since 1981.

In 2021 there were an estimated 60,577 pedestrians injured in traffic crashes, an 11-percent increase from 54,771 pedestrians injured in 2020. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 71 minutes and injured every 9 minutes in traffic crashes in 2021.

Pedestrian Safety Month seeks to emphasize the importance of creating pedestrian-friendly environments, fostering a sense of shared responsibility among all road users, and implementing measures to ensure the safety of those who travel by foot.

Throughout October, a series of engaging events, educational campaigns, and community outreach activities are planned to address various aspects of pedestrian safety. These initiatives will include:

Walk to School – October 4: On this special day, students, parents, and educators from some schools in the Central Oklahoma region will come together to embrace the benefits of walking. Walk to School Day not only promotes physical fitness but also instills valuable lessons of pedestrian safety in our youth.

The Street Project Documentary: Join ACOG, Watch for Me OK and OHSO, for the screening of The Street Project Documentary which highlights the troubling trend of increasing deaths of pedestrian and bicyclists on American streets and what factors and policies contribute to the current situation. Followed by a 20–30-minute discussion with professionals in urban planning, public health, law enforcement, and city government on what decisions and changes can be made to make streets safer for all.


Watch for Me OK is a community initiative from the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) and supported by the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). This campaign is more than road safety—it is a call to action, a commitment to each other, and a pledge to ensure local roads are safe for everyone.

Be a catalyst for change and join the movement. Explore the Watch for Me OK website, follow the campaign on social media, and spread the word. Together, Central Oklahoma can shift the road culture, ensuring that every journey is a safer, more secure one. Community involvement matters—join ACOG in making a positive impact on road safety through the power of public awareness.

Staff Contacts

Jose Jimenez
TPS Planner I - Safety

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